Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Essentials of a Productive Day

There are many things I like to do or to have with me throughout the day so that when I have a moment, I can write, and when I write, that I can do so easily and comfortably. Finding quiet, comfortable places to write can be a challenge. (With no solution in sight.) However, I had a great afternoon break a week or so ago, and took this picture of the supplies I had on hand that day, and I think it was a good summary of "essentials" for me throughout my day to get the most out of the little snatches of time I have to write. (Please forgive the terrible quality, it was taken with my phone.)

The very first thing I do when I sit down is to take off my shoes. Shoes must go. Shoes are a nuisance. It's impossible to be comfortable in any chair with shoes on since I like to curl up to keep warm. Anyway, I find that creative thinking comes so much quicker to me when I'm comfortable and cozy. (To be perfectly honest, I rather hate shoes for any and every occasion -even church or other events that fancy shoes are required for- and would be more than happy going barefoot everywhere, but I've been told this is socially unacceptable. It is one thing I can never seem to match properly, by style, or even color. I was once told, by a former co-worker: "You don't know how to  match shoes. You wear old lady shoes." Yes, yes I do, and I have no problem with it.)

I like, also, to have something to drink. At work, water is the most satisfying, but at home I most often make tea. Tea is cozy and delicately satisfying, it's like a gentle hug.

Pens, if I'm not typing, must be of exceptional quality. The ink must flow easily from the tip, and not get all cloggy on the pen nib, and my hand must feel relaxed holding the pen. I once had a set of pens which had very nice, very black ink with a quick flow, but for whatever reason I always noticed my hand got very tired after only a short time of writing. I have found that Sharpie felt-tips allow me to write quickly and easily without my hands tiring too soon. 

Yes, there are two notebooks in this picture. I have one that is for personal and devotional journaling (which is why the small ESV was in this picture- a sound beginning to the day is most helpful all around, not just for writing, but for living). Sometimes ideas are dropped into the personal notebook. (They pop into my head of their own accord, I've no control over this.) However, bigger ideas, or hashing out scenes or expanding ideas are scribbled into the other notebook. The other notebook also I use to take notes on especially helpful tips- which I have done often while reading Plot & Scructure by James Scott Bell. (It's seriously good- I'm totally going to need The Art of War next.) I am so thankful to live where these kinds of books and resources are readily available to me. 

As a side note, there will be a fun Star Wars post coming this month [soon] which will be totally political (something I never do), but I couldn't resist a bit of fun. (Seeing as we're all politic-ed out, and Rogue One comes out December 16, you know I couldn't resist. -No, I will absolutely not be going opening night because I have to wear shoes then, and be among crowds.)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday Sale on Christian Indie books!


It’s that time of year. The time for buying presents, making wish lists, and planning New Year’s Resolutions. If any of those activities involve books for you, Indie Christian Authorshas a perfect event for you.
From Nov 25 (that’s today!) through Nov 28th, more than 70 independent Christian books are on sale. You can find free shipping$0.99 ebookspackage deals, and more! And if your budget is depleted from Christmas shopping, they’ve got you covered with some freebies!
Think 70 books is overwhelming? Narrow it down and find the perfect books for you or someone on your Christmas list by using this quiz to generate a customized book list.
What awesome reads of 2016 are you grateful for? What books are you looking forward to reading in 2017?
A note on the Ebooks Only page. All books are listed as "Sold Out." This only refers to paperback copies of these titles. Please click onto the product pages to find descriptions and links to discounted or free ebooks. Also, some of the authors this year chose to not sell their paperbacks directly through the site. Those books are also marked "Sold Out" but if you click them open, you'll find a link to the site where they are on sale and a discount code for you to use at check out.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Leah E. Good and Kendra E. Ardnek for their work organizing this sale, and Hannah Mills for her fantastic design work on the website graphics. Hannah can be contacted at hmills(at)omorecollege(dot)edu for more information about her design services.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Guest post is up!

The guest post is up! Yes, indeed! Many thanks to Sarah Diehl and Brittany Zayas for allowing me to have this opportunity, and also for adding some lovely book cover pictures to the piece. I was editing it until 9:30 with Chamomile tea on Friday night for you all, biting my nails in worry.

Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself

It's so easy to say to someone else, but not to yourself. 

I also wrote 1 more page in my novel. It's something, at least.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

I'd rather be crazy than silent

Oh autumn, how I love thee. Summer is probably my favorite season, but there is something beautiful in each season. I love the spicy, earthy smell of fallen leaves, and the gorgeous colors; it is like the trees are set on fire for just a few weeks, and their rainbow-hued ashes cover the ground and fill our world with brightness! Ah, Michigan, you are my favorite.

Now, on to business!

I will have a guest post on November 19th over at, a literary blog scribed by two ladies I have met in New York at Messiah's Reformed Fellowship. Sarah Diehl and Brittany Zayas are word-motivated ladies who write on book reviews, literary analysis and more. They post weekly, which I think takes some dedication! Both are very talented writers, so you should check out some of their reviews. 
My guest post will be on "Why is fantasy literature worth our time?" This was a bit of a personal essay for me, as I often feel lot of people tend to blow me off when I share with them that besides my Christian faith I also love fantasy and science-fiction. Part of what I seek to accomplish in writing is to show that it is possible to write in a way that combines these things, either symbolically or, sometimes, not symbolically. :) Some of you have been asking to get to know me as a writer, and so this is a little toe in the door. I hope you will like it, and I hope that those Christians who discredit fantasy literature will listen. I might be crazy, but I'd rather be crazy than silent and waiting forever to use what I have been given.

I have decided against NaNoWriMo again. I know, again. Every year I say to myself "Man, it would be so fun to do it!" and then there are fifty eleven reasons why I don't. This year, I didn't again, for a hundred fifty eleven reasons again. The past two weeks I have set it a goal to finish at least 10 pages in my novel, which should equal 20 by now, but instead is 0. Frustrating. I would like to find the time to write more things on specific topics, but for now these little "updates" will have to suffice. 

Check back soon as I will let you all know when this guest post is completed and posted.