Thursday, February 8, 2018

Hello! Jemma's Birthday, Scrivener, and New Fish

 As usual, I've gotten quite behind on social media. :) I figured it was time to pop in for a hello. I am still pleased to have snow yet this February, but you can be assured that I will probably tire of it come March, which is just around the bend. 
Speaking of February though, I mentioned last time that we celebrated Mittens' birthday in January and that means Jemma gets a birthday cake, too. (She may not eat it.) Since it is easy to remember and close enough, I picked February 14th as her birthdate, and plan to make a purple cake this weekend for the niece and nephew's benefit. (Also because it is fun. There are always plenty of excuses for cake.) Jemma has endless reserves of energy and is the most affectionate, but also the most expressive cat we have had. This yarn-thieving rascal has endless reserves of energy. She is jealous for attention always and plays fetch. If you don't play when she wants you to, she goes through your pockets for hairties -this is a little awkward when visitors come- and meows incessantly. Jemma enjoys "helping" anybody with their projects or chores and is there wherever you go. She also demands a strict routine and diet, due to her sensitive stomach and dramatic, expressive nature. We put up with it because she makes us laugh and smile. 

I've been puttering about Scrivener when I can, which I downloaded in January. *does little happy dance* I am ever so grateful to Emily Hayse for her help, and eagerly waiting to hear news about her ink baby... yes, more books are on the way! I don't know yet how I like Scrivener because  my time on it has been limited, so I haven't even fully explored all of its features. I did transfer Ember over, and made it somewhere near or past Chapter 5? (I don't know how to count chapters in this stage, so I'm just making this number up off a rough estimate right now.) 

I also bought too female bettas, which Jemma finds amusing. They are named Indigo (left) and Isla (right).

 In between Scrivener, fish, realizing I made it about 1/4- 1/3 of the way through my quilt and accomplishing other very important life-things, there was the mythical creatures exhibit at VanAndel, which was intriguing. My only criticism is that there could have been more dragons. There can always be more dragons. "You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." (Inception) And more cake.

*P.S. I forgot to mention that Connie VanHuis' book Stable Help now has a sequal! I have yet to read it, but I really enjoyed her first book. She writes short little stories about her horses and compares them to us and Christ. It is easy to read and the stories are all from her real-life experiences. My favorite one is the one where her horse jumps the fence to be with her, which she likens to how we should feel about spending time with our Savior.
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