The very first thing I do when I sit down is to take off my shoes. Shoes must go. Shoes are a nuisance. It's impossible to be comfortable in any chair with shoes on since I like to curl up to keep warm. Anyway, I find that creative thinking comes so much quicker to me when I'm comfortable and cozy. (To be perfectly honest, I rather hate shoes for any and every occasion -even church or other events that fancy shoes are required for- and would be more than happy going barefoot everywhere, but I've been told this is socially unacceptable. It is one thing I can never seem to match properly, by style, or even color. I was once told, by a former co-worker: "You don't know how to match shoes. You wear old lady shoes." Yes, yes I do, and I have no problem with it.)
I like, also, to have something to drink. At work, water is the most satisfying, but at home I most often make tea. Tea is cozy and delicately satisfying, it's like a gentle hug.
Pens, if I'm not typing, must be of exceptional quality. The ink must flow easily from the tip, and not get all cloggy on the pen nib, and my hand must feel relaxed holding the pen. I once had a set of pens which had very nice, very black ink with a quick flow, but for whatever reason I always noticed my hand got very tired after only a short time of writing. I have found that Sharpie felt-tips allow me to write quickly and easily without my hands tiring too soon.
Yes, there are two notebooks in this picture. I have one that is for personal and devotional journaling (which is why the small ESV was in this picture- a sound beginning to the day is most helpful all around, not just for writing, but for living). Sometimes ideas are dropped into the personal notebook. (They pop into my head of their own accord, I've no control over this.) However, bigger ideas, or hashing out scenes or expanding ideas are scribbled into the other notebook. The other notebook also I use to take notes on especially helpful tips- which I have done often while reading Plot & Scructure by James Scott Bell. (It's seriously good- I'm totally going to need The Art of War next.) I am so thankful to live where these kinds of books and resources are readily available to me.
As a side note, there will be a fun Star Wars post coming this month [soon] which will be totally political (something I never do), but I couldn't resist a bit of fun. (Seeing as we're all politic-ed out, and Rogue One comes out December 16, you know I couldn't resist. -No, I will absolutely not be going opening night because I have to wear shoes then, and be among crowds.)